Change Log ---------- Version 0.85 - Numerous coding and performance updates - Added support for UltraVNC (server wrongly reports protocol version 3.6 instead of 3.3) - Fixed tread termination code to poll more frequently when watching for updates - Fixed Dispose and other memory related issues throughout code - Added Connection State checking - Fixed Mouse Pointer code to work properly in Design/Runtime modes - Fixed NullReference bug in RemoteDesktop.OnPaint when control is not connected - Fixed Disconnect bug so that client can close connection without crashing - Fixed Connect bug where client had to call Connect in a form's Constructor - Stopped requesting CORRE encoding due to bugs in various server implementations - Added support for sending common Special Key combos (e.g., CTRL+ALT+DEL) - Added support for Full Screen update requests in RemoteDesktop Version 0.8 - Initial release