Change Log ---------- * Version 1.0 - Added ZRLE (Grégoire Pailler) using the BSD licensed zlib.NET version 1.04 ( - Added support for 8-bit colour depth (Grégoire Pailler) - Added scaling (Grégoire Pailler) - Added SetScalingMode() to switch at runtime from clipped to scaled and vice versa - Added override to SendSpecialKeys() to allow explicit release (Grégoire Pailler) - Added code signing so the control will work in VS.NET 2005/2008 - Added Desktop image property - Added more overloads to Connect() - Added FillRemoteClipboard() so local clipboard text can be sent to server for pasting - Added ClipboardChanged event so clients can determine when remote clipboard data is available - Fixed overflow bug when dealing with unsigned bytes - Fixed bug when dragging windows to the bottom of the screen (Grégoire Pailler) - Fixed bugs when connecting to Apple's OS X implementation of the VNC server ("RFB" 3.889) - Fixed bug with clipboard and threading (Grégoire Pailler) - General code clean-up to remove dead code - Switched from NAnt to Visual Studio Solution file - Updated C# example - Created VB.NET example * Version 0.9 - Added View Only mode - Fixed CopyRect "ghosting" bug (Peter Wentworth) - Fixed RemoteDesktop Select() bug (Edward Cooke) - Added readonly RemoteDesktop.Hostname property (Edward Cooke) - Fixed Alt/CTRL key handling in RemoteDesktop (Edward Cooke) - Added NAnt build files * Version 0.88.0 - Corrected RFB protocol bug in connection code (affected protocol 3.8 with NO password) - Added buffers to reduce load on gc - Removed redundant thread locking (all writes on same thread now) - Refactored pixel reading code to improve speed - Keyboard management code clean-up ( * Version 0.85.2 - Fixed bug in VncClient.Disconnect for UltraVNC so that it won't block on worker.Join(). (Simon Phillips) * Version 0.85.1 - Fix DES password encryption so it will work under .NET Framework 2.0 * Version 0.85 - Added binary for .NET Framework 2.0 - Numerous coding and performance updates - Added support for UltraVNC (server wrongly reports protocol version 3.6 instead of 3.3) - Fixed tread termination code to poll more frequently when watching for updates - Fixed Dispose and other memory related issues throughout code - Added Connection State checking - Fixed Mouse Pointer code to work properly in Design/Runtime modes - Fixed NullReference bug in RemoteDesktop.OnPaint when control is not connected - Fixed Disconnect bug so that client can close connection without crashing - Fixed Connect bug where client had to call Connect in a form's Constructor - Stopped requesting CORRE encoding due to bugs in various server implementations - Added support for sending common Special Key combos (e.g., CTRL+ALT+DEL) - Added support for Full Screen update requests in RemoteDesktop * Version 0.8 - Initial release - CoRRE contributed by Chuck Borgh and Matt Cyr